Body Image: How to trick yourself into loving your body
Instead of merely accepting my body as an imperfect vessel my brain rides around in, I plan to pretend that I wholly and deeply love my body.
A physicist's chronic illness journey
Instead of merely accepting my body as an imperfect vessel my brain rides around in, I plan to pretend that I wholly and deeply love my body.
Conditions / hEDS / HSD / Patellofemoral Pain / Support Tools / Surgery
My lifelong saga of patellofemoral pain and instability, and the surgery that finally worked.
I am a physicist with chronic conditions such as HSD/hEDS and MCAS. I write about my experiences with chronic illness and try to share anything I feel could be helpful to others.
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hEDS / HSD / MCAS / POTS / Recipes / Support Tools
More Meals for Low (or no) Spoons Days
April 10, 2024